First Entry : Introduction

article posted Apr 12, 14:52

Here it is.

Well, after a year or so of thinking it over, this is my website.
Basically I see it as a one-stop source of information about my work, and for my latest musings about whichever of my obsessions is top of my mind at any given moment.

The big news at the moment is the publication of my new collection of short fiction(s), At the Bottom of the Sky… which explores the relationships of a tightly-knit group of friends as they try to make something creative out of their lives while playing a strange game of truth and falsehood. I’m pleased to see it finally out … and pleased with the way it extends my ongoing investigation of the slippery ontology of narrative and the surrealization of the urban environments.

I’ll put up more news about its reception as it becomes available. (And, in general, update this place occasionally and as things strike my fancy.)

Anyhow, hope you enjoy the site and feel free to come back often and stay in touch.

