Returning to Carter

article posted May 16, 23:35

Those of you who know me (or, perhaps, who have heard me speak or read somewhere) know of my immense admiration for Angela Carter’s work. I discovered her when I was young and the impact of her writing was immense: the lushness of the language, the expansiveness of the culture behind the tales, the baroque imagination, deep humanity and intellectual rigour, all thrilled me. They still do; I return to this exemplary body of work regularly today.

So I am always thrilled to see her name cycle back into prominence as it has recently. I am eager to share my fondness for these books, so — for those who already know her writing, and for those curious about it — here’s an essay that recently appeared over at Salon on the occasion of the republication of her volume of feminist fairy tales. It touches on a number of the marvels to be found reading Carter and I hope it encourages you to discover, or rediscover, her books.

Here it is again. Happy reading!