Saints & Sinners Festival

article posted May 5, 19:02

I’m going to be at the Saints & Sinners Festival again this year. So, if you’re attending and want to check out my events, they’re all on Saturday the 16th of May. Here they are:

At 2:30, I’ll be reading with the group promoting the new My Diva anthology (which includes a piece by me on the surrealist writer and photographer, Claude Cahun.)

Then, at 4:00 I’ll be part of a panel called “The Great(?) Divide: Art and Entertainment in Fiction” which is intended to explore the “division” between literary and genre fictions. I suspect I’ll be doing my usual rap (not to say rant) about how this opposition is — at least to some extent — spurious… and critically suspect.

And finally, I’ll be part of the Rebel Satori/Queer Mojo reading at FAB, Faubourg Marigny Art & Books, at 7:00 in the evening.

A full day, but a fun one. Hope to see you any and all of you attending the festival. It’s always a great time.