QWF reads... a little

article posted Jun 3, 16:35

I probably should have mentioned this earlier, but last night was the QWF’s schmooze event, “QWF reads… a little,” in which two panels of prominent Quebec authors defended their individual choices for an especially fab poem or short story from hereabouts. (Not one of their own, of course.)

Well, yours truly was one of the selected prose authors and the always-fabulous Tess Fragoulis gave a spirited and pretty darn interesting defense of my story “Cerberus” from At the Bottom of the Sky. It is always so interesting to hear what other folks have to say about one’s work, and this was a really cool opportunity in that respect. It was also a fun night out. The QWF’s events seem to get bettter and better.

If you attended, I hope you had a good time. If you didn’t… keep an eye out for the next event.

Hope to see you there.